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Showing posts with label Amanda Coleman White. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amanda Coleman White. Show all posts

The Hyperboreans

The Hyperboreans
By Amanda Coleman White

This Wind with black hair whipping
whirlpools into existence to wash
the plaid in which she carries her stones.
Sovereign wind of winter,
midwife birthing the land
whose breath is death leading to life.

Pollution of sound goes unnoticed
by birds of air and creeping things
content to dig their holes.
Your blaring has me scrabbling into earth as well.
The children in their loud innocence invisible
to whitetail deer intent on foliage.
I place palm to ear at last;
peaceful in the ocean I conjure.

Like a woodpecker ascending Ash
I continue Northward into chillier climes,
further up until I reach the North Wind
louder than any manmade noise.
Battling her fury I reach the top –
utter silence at her back.

* * *

Amanda Coleman White is a writer currently working toward a PhD that combines creative writing and Celtic myth. She has been a featured poet with Indolent Press, and has poems published in literary magazines such as Channel Magazine, Obsessed with Pipework, After Happy Hour Review, and The Dawntreader.

Where do you get the ideas for your poems?
My current work is inspired by Celtic myth and Victorian novelist George MacDonald, particularly his mythopoeic works of fantasy.

What inspires you to write and keep writing? 
I write to have a connection to the authors that have inspired me since childhood, and to show my children how to live a creative life even amid the chaos of modern life.