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Spring 2018 Issue

Welcome to the Spring 2018 issue of Mirror Dance, featuring stories of experts and authorities. In this issue…

     Kenopsia by Evan Marcroft
     Pomegranates by Alexandra Seidel
     The Ink Chase by Nidhi Singh
     The Mollusk Fossils by Gregory Kimbrell
     Tarnish by Dawn Vogel
     Lady of Lullaby by John W. Sexton
     Heavenly Bodies by Allison Epstein
     Hades and Persephone Correspond by Carly A. Racklin
     The Braden Banshee by Kristen Brand
     Lay by Joseph Gordon Wilson
     The Crow of Nine-World by Sarah Gribble

The authors and editor of Mirror Dance welcome your feedback! Please feel free to leave comments on the individual stories and poems. Questions, concerns, and suggestions for the magazine may be e-mailed to the editor: markenberg at We hope you enjoy the issue!