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A Kiss

A Kiss
by Evelyn Deshane

The lightning struck backwards; a fork pulled
from the ground & made to tune the sky. They made
skin ripe like a bruise, an arm bent at odd angles,
and a dislocated shoulder as pale as rain water.
This kiss from the earth giants (the sky ghosts made
of clouds who don't know their strength of weather or love),
made us realize how lucky we are to be struck twice
in the same spot. They leave me alone with my wound's
blue aura, holy & sacred, as they stretch black into night.

* * *

Evelyn Deshane has appeared in Plenitude Magazine, Briarpatch Magazine, and Bitch Magazine. Evelyn (pron. Eve-a- lyn) received an MA from Trent University and is currently completing a PhD at the University of Waterloo. Their most recent project #Trans is an edited collection about transgender and nonbinary identity online. Find more information at or follow @evelyndeshane.

What inspires you to write and keep writing?

What inspires me to write and especially keep writing is knowing that words have the capability to change someone's perspective and illuminate another world--something important in fantasy writing, but which feels even more pressing now in the current political climate.